Collaborative Research
Community Economies
A network of researchers with a shared interested in JK Gibson-Graham’s feminist critique of political economy and concurrent research methods…
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Community Partnering for Local Development
A training tool developed by the Community Economies Collective for those interested in how to work within communities and develop local economies…
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The Commoner
‘A web journal for other values’ is a web-based, open access journal and publishes intermittently on the themes of values and valuation…
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Asset-Based Community Development Institute
The Asset-Based Community Development Institute, located at the Center for Civic Engagement, Northwestern University considers local assets as the primary building blocks of sustainable community development…
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Alternative Economies
New Economy Coalition
136 organizations mostly in the US and Canada comprise the New Economy Coalition active in promoting new economy initiatives through networking, convening, storytelling and grant-making…
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Take Back the Economy: An Ethical Guide for Transforming Our Communities
A companion website to Katherine Gibson, Jenny Cameron and Stephen Healy’s book ‘Take Back The Economy’ including tools from each chapter…
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Solidarity NYC
A map, directory, videos and links for learning about the practices and institutions that make up the Solidarity Economy in New York City…
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Community Wealth
A project of the Democracy Collective, this website brings together information about innovative community wealth-building strategies across the US…
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A nonprofit news, action and connection hub for the Sharing Economy and transformation related to how we live together…
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On the Commons
An organization that produces an online magazine and curates a resource portal for promoting the commons and ‘commoning’…
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Diaspora and Development
Created by the Commission on Filipinos Overseas, this portal is designed to engage the Filipino Diaspora to start a business, donate, volunteer or access government services and information…
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Diaspora and Development
The International Organization for Migration’s dedicated website that tracks worldwide activities to enable, engage and empower Diasporas for development…
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Migration for Development
Developed by the Joint Migration and Development Initiative this website connects practitioners, policy-makers and experts from across all regions and is designed to facilitate knowledge transfer, capacity building and networking…
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The Guardian: Diaspora-driven development
The Guardian’s curated news on Diaspora-driven development aims to explore how diaspora groups are gaining more traction as development actors…
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Global Migration Group: Mainstreaming Migration into Development Planning
Put together by the Global Migration Group, composed of 16 UN-affiliated agencies, this handbook is designed for policy-makers integrating Migration & Development into development planning processes…
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Filipinos in Canada
Filipino Youth Transitions in Canada project (FYTIC)
Toronto Immigrant Employment Data Initiative (TIEDI)
Live-In Caregivers in Canada [Gabriela Transitions Survey (GATES)]